Welcome to our practice website

Welcome to Dr Gellia & Dr Balaraman surgery, providing primary care for Monkwearmouth and surrounding areas. We hope you take […]

School & College Covid-19 Testing

Keep telling us your test result and help beat COVID-19

Childhood Nutrition – Food Scanner App

Families are up against a flood of unhealthy food options, so Better Health has updated the NHS Food Scanner App […]

Better Health – Adult Obesity

Over 1 in 4 of us has put on weight since the first lockdown in March 2020, according to recent […]

University Students – get tested!

Time off work due to sickness

Recent changes have been made to allow you to self certify for the first 28 days of any illness (previously […]


Due to the coronavirus, Dr Gellia & Dr Balaraman informs you that all appointments will be converted to telephone or […]

Urgent Dental Treatment this bank holiday

If you require urgent dental treatment this bank holiday weekend, go online to 111.nhs.uk or call 111.If a clinical appointment […]